Friday, March 6, 2009

chika chik-ah

HIGH SCHOOL ART PIECE. This was drawn during a boring day in class and it is the first of many of these types of drawings i have done. I had scribbled on some paper and tried to make a picture out of it, using only the lines of the scribble. I guess it looks like some sort of alien. Everyone has there own interpretation of this picture.
GREAT ARCHITECTURE. The Taj Mahal is an amazing piece of architecture that was built as a memorial for Emperor Shah Jahan's deceased wife. This mausoleum is decorated with many precious gem stones and its dome makes it typically Persian. The Taj Mahal integrates many aspects of culture from Hindu and Islamic traditions.

SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL. This was taken on the balcony of the house my family owns on Camuigin Island, Philippines. During Easter, there is a celebration of Saint Nino (the Baby Jesus) and it has become a tradition that the more well off families cook food for those who need it. This crowd are happily recieving the free food. Generosity from all the families that do this is really beautiful. It is also common that on the anniversaries of the deceased, food is prepared by the families in much the same way.

Fiona Hall's If the Price is Right: household, haunting, dark.

Tracey Moffat's Receptionist: office space, waiting, animated.

Rosalie Gascoigne's Untitled: flowers, moving, beautiful.

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